Recovery Resources

Freedom through the Recovery

from Cannabis Addiction

Self Expression as Self Preservation

This website is a platform for women’s expressions of clinical and academic writings specific to cannabis addiction; as well as personal prose, poetry, art and photography.

Creativity assists us from staying clean and sober from the depths of active addiction to cannabis addiction.

This platform is also a little dip into ‘some’ of the wealth of alternative resources available for healing from addiction trauma. Little has been available for recovering women, and BIPOC addicts that is trauma informed. Especially trauma of systematic white racism, misogyny and patriarchal heteronormative culture.

This platform are several women’s attempt to heal beyond the white patriarchal and racist demands (or suggestions) that the only way we can recover is within the constraints of a Christian rooted ideology and narrative. the standard treatment modalities has not always assessable for non male, non cis, non heterosexual and non white people.

We write and create art as a spiritual lifestyle to stay clean and sober.

As active addiction will only lead to insanity and insatiable incomprehensible demoralization. These writing are small ways of keeping us all grounded and alive: be kind and kinder, and more loving with ourselves and all whom we encounter.

“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish. “

Michelle Obama

About Antonia Amore-Broccoli, MSW, LCSW

Antonia’s own freedom from cannabis addiction is evident by the cultivation and commitment of intimate and loving relationships in her life. Namely, this includes marital love with her beautiful partner and wife Nalini, their three adult children (+spouses), her dear friends, and her colleagues.

Antonia’s dedication to her recovery has made it possible to pursue her life dreams, goals, and aspirations. She has achieved a professional career as a licensed Clinical Social Worker and Medical Social Worker since 1995. She has twenty years of experience as a Perinatology Social Worker and as an advocate for women, babies, and children. She aspires to be gentle and humble. Antonia is a wise crone, a Buddhist-Pagan, a social activist, and an advocate for equal rights for all humans and animals.

Antonia loves to walk the beach, practice yoga, meditate, write, and create visual art. Antonia identifies as a light-skinned Italian, Latina lesbian feminist, in long-term recovery. She is healing daily from cannabis addiction and the underlying issues of addiction. For her, these include cerebral palsy, severe, chronic PTSD, and the experience of lesbian-phobia. All of the paintings on this website are the original art work of Antonia, with the exception of the two highlighting Willow’s story, which are Willow’s. More of Antonia’s photos and artwork can be seen here.

Some of Antonia’s published work includes Out in the Redwoods: Documenting Gay, Lesbian Bisexual, Transgender History at the University of California, Santa Cruz, 1965-2003: 1st (First) Edition Paperback – c. March 1, 2010. Antonia’s written work also appears in Hey Paesan! Writing by Lesbians & Gay Men of Italian Descent, edited by Giovanna Capone, Tommi Avicolli Mecca, and Denise Nico Leto; Three Guineas Press, c. 1999. This book was a Lambda Literary Award Finalist in the year 2000. It’s available on Amazon.

Thank you for visiting Freedom From Cannabis Addiction and Sisters Off the Green.

Antonia is a mindfulness psychotherapist in the Ohlone territory on the central coast of California. She advocates the power of awareness through love and compassion for the self and others through spirituality, meditation, and mantras. In her practice, she has utilized advanced EMDR skills for rewiring the brain from addiction. Antonia believes many of our addiction and trauma issues stem from insecure attachment: a disassociation of self and others. Addiction is manifested as the ultimate self-betrayal. Antonia loves the modalities of expressive arts: watercolor mandala, process painting, soulcollage©, and creative writing. Antonia is passionate about healing childhood trauma and loss and grief, as well as depression and anxiety through taking responsibility for one’s own life, reactions, and PTSD triggers—which can recycle victimhood. Moving beyond the role of victim allows the authentic self to emerge. Letting go of blame of self and others and the shame that no longer belongs to us is essential for more and more experiences with peace, forgiveness, and serenity.

Education includes a Masters in Social Work from The University of Michigan on scholarship and a BA in Comparative Literature from UCSC. University of California, Santa Cruz. An advanced drug and alcohol studies certificate from UCSC extension.
Honorable mention in literature and liberal arts a Cabrillo College, Aptos CA.

Antonia facilitates “Expressive Arts and Writing for your Heart and Soul,” Soul Collage© and Meditation workshops and retreats for women. She has a small private practice by private pay only via Telehealth and/ secure Video.

Sisters Off the Green is dedicated to holding scared intentional space for women  and other gender expansive people in recovery who prefer and respect women's space. Sisters off the Green©
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Share your Story

We are collecting stories by Women, BIPOC and LBGTQIA+ People in Recovery specifically from Cannabis Dependence and Addiction. You are welcome to join the collective of other people in recovery from Cannabis Addiction. You story is worthy at any stage of your recovery. Please write us for a suggested guide for your story. We honor prose, poetry, autobiographical (either autonomous or not) and/or semi biographical fiction.