Freedom from Cannabis Addictions’s intent is to demystify the myth that cannabis is not harmful nor addictive. This site is dedicated to the transparency of cannabis dependency and addiction while transgressing the minimization and rationalization of chronic or daily cannabis use among healthy people.

“The Masters Tools will Never Dismantle the Masters House” Audre Lorde

Freedom from Cannabis Addiction© is dedicated to the transparency of Women’s stories of cannabis addiction and recovery. We are dedicated to the visibility of women, non white women, lesbians, bisexuals and gender variant identities and differently abled women. Women who are often silenced, censored and at times discriminated by the dominant patriarchal culture of mainstream recovery circles.

“Recovery is a daily revolutionary act of self love and compassion: which in turn positively affects our loved ones, our families, our life purpose and our contribution to the world ©

Sisters off the Green©

“Together women develop and utilize their own self affirming and empowering tools for recovery which built is on a new life free of cannabis addiction”©

Sisters off the Green©

Watercolor by Antonia Amore-Broccoli ©
Watercolor by Antonia Amore-Broccoli ©
Michigan Light on the land:  2015
Michigan Light on the land:  2015 

Sisters Off the Green is a Grass Roots platform dedicated to the specific needs of women in recovery from cannabis addiction. Our intent is create a space for women to speak about the specific social and environmental aspects that affect our lives which is specific to socialization of women: heterosexual women, as well as BIPOC and LGBTQI+ women. Women who have a complex, variable predispositions for addiction; as well as specific environmental and social conditions which significantly affect women, and women who are BIPOC and/or LGBTQIA+.

Our goals for this platform is to write an anthology of stories as the foreground to addiction medicine research studies specific to cannabis addiction. Many of realize our underlying issues of trauma lead us to cannabis use as our survival and means of coping. Our predispositions for addictions are more complex due to specific social conditions including sexism, misogyny, racism, racial and ethnic trauma, anti-Semitism, ablism, lesbian discrimination, homophobia, biphobia, gender identity, gender dysphoria, and transphobia, etc. These issues have contributed to higher levels of depression, low self-esteem/self-worth, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, other mental health issues, learning differences, medical issues and/or disabilities. The disparities for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ women are often complicated by the outcast of society, families, and sometimes with-in their own recovery communities.

This is a platform created for and by women and welcoming to gender non conforming individuals who respect an intentional women’s space.  

Freedom From Cannabis Addiction ©

Sisters off The Green: Women, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ Women in Recovery from Cannabis Addiction©

Freedom From Cannabis Addiction ©