Affirmations Daily Intentions: Rovery is a commitment to Radical Self Love and Acceptance with an intent to be free of active addiction to cannabis.
These next 24 hours I/we made a decision and chose to be free and clean from cannabis.
My/Our intent to nurture my/our bodies with good healthy hydration, food and nutrition and rest.
My/Our intent is to to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
Intent: To be deliberately kind, loving and compassionate with ourselves and others.
Intent is to be cognizant of our judgment of ourselves and others; and remember our reactions and triggers are our responsibility.
Intentions are to practice emotional self regulation: to pause and be mindful of the uncomfortable emotions which can cause triggers and reactions.
I/We practice the art of mindfulness, allowing, accepting and awareness of any self aversion of judgments that arise as I/we feel feelings.
Reminding ourselves that feelings are not facts and this too shall pass while also nurturing ourselves
Pressing pause and slow down before reacting to judgments or triggers when in relationship with others.
Self regulation and deregulation come with time and practice in recovery; we daily learn new coping mechanisms and tools.
We remind ourselves that our healing and recovery is rooted in self-care, self-compassion, self-love for ourselves and others.
Tools of Recovery:derived from the above realizations and Intentions;
Daily practices of hydration, nutritional food especially fruits and vegetables and moderate caffeine intake
Daily practice of physical exercise; walking and other forms of gentle or vigorous exercise, swimming, yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, running. Etc.
Online platforms for exercise or yoga, Tai Chi and other resources or other paid platforms specific to our exercise interests.
Others join gyms or find walking friends. Some of us find it beneficial to make dates with clean and sober friends, neighbors, and/or family members for hikes or outdoor activities in nature. Nature is healing and calming for many of us.
Many of us found daily interactions with other women and/or people in recovery to be beneficial and assisted with the momentum of recovery and positive self care.
We are gentle and loving with ourselves as we learn new coping skills to stabilize and regulate our psychological and emotional states.
Taking baths or showers often helped us get through difficult emotions and / physical pain.
Sometimes we found positive Webinars or websites with positive uplifting messages*
We found building a support group of sisters and fellow travelers in recovery gave us accountability and friendship.
We can find strength and courage from other women/people in recovery who are reframing and redesigning recovery and healing that is self affirming and self empowering.
We are inspired to share resources and our experience, strength and hope with other women and people in recovery from cannabis addiction.
We develop self discipline of self care and self love. This can include mindfulness and regular meditation. We explore different modalities for mindfulness and meditation and utilize ones that are in alignment with our busy lives and values.
©Freedom from Cannabis Addiction2021
In small groups women/people are encouraged to write their own objectives, goals and intent and specific tools for recovery.